"J. Landman Gay" a écrit :
> On 4/20/02 6:12 PM, Pierre Sahores wrote:
>  > You will just have to declare
> > the ".mt" extention in the httpd config file and to rename the
> > "xxxx.html" files you want to have server-side parsed by mc as
> > "xxxx.mt". This way will allow you to do in using mc far all what can be
> > done in using web-dedicaced tools alike php or perl.
> Thanks Pierre, I understand now. But I don't think I have control of
> that file, since my site is hosted by an ISP.
> --
> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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Is MC available and running on your ISP's server ? If no, just switch to
PHP4 : it's a very usefull and elegant web-dedicaced scripting language.
If yes, it must be a way to have ".mt" html files fine parsable without
modifiing the "httpd.conf" file, just by declaring the complete path to
the MC engine in the <head><script=...path to mc> section of each html
file you want to include metatalk scripting in. In using this way, you
will, first, no more have to rename your html files with the ".mt"
extension and, second, you will be able to refer from within your html
files to external ".mt" libraries, just alike html files are refering to
".js" javascripts files libraries. This all will need some tests before
running fine but i'm far sure it will do the job to the end... :-)

Best Regards, Pierre Sahores

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