On 4/21/02 3:39 AM, Pierre Sahores wrote:

> Is MC available and running on your ISP's server ? If no, just switch to
> PHP4 : it's a very usefull and elegant web-dedicaced scripting language.
> If yes, it must be a way to have ".mt" html files fine parsable without
> modifiing the "httpd.conf" file, just by declaring the complete path to
> the MC engine in the <head><script=...path to mc> section of each html
> file you want to include metatalk scripting in. In using this way, you
> will, first, no more have to rename your html files with the ".mt"
> extension and, second, you will be able to refer from within your html
> files to external ".mt" libraries, just alike html files are refering to
> ".js" javascripts files libraries. This all will need some tests before
> running fine but i'm far sure it will do the job to the end... :-)

This is very promising and I want to try it. I had to do some research 
on the <script> tags though. Everything I read said that if a browser 
doesn't recognize the <language> tag (or <type> in newer browsers), it 
will ignore the script. I'm sure there aren't any browsers that 
understand a "metatalk" tag. Will a complete path to the copy of mc fix 
that? Could you give me an example of how to format the <script> definition?

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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