At 3:30 am -0700 25/6/02, Richard Gaskin wrote:

>>  For running handlers that need to wait for the upload to complete,
>>  you could insert something like this at appropriate points:
>>  repeat until <condition>
>>  wait for messages
>>  end repeat
>>  Just be sure the condition will eventually come true.
>My understanding of "wait for messages" was the opposite, that it was
>designed to allow asynchronous behavior. Is there a way to use it to suspend
>script execution and event messages while waiting for an upload to complete?

It won't suspend script execution or messages; as you say, just the 
opposite. But you can use it to make a particular script wait at a 
particular point while other stuff (e.g. a download) completes. But 
I'm sure it's not a suitable approach in all circumstances.

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