At 11:18 am -0700 25/6/02, Richard Gaskin wrote:

>Hmmm... still stumped on how to proceed, I'm afraid.

I think I misunderstood the original problem.
>Here's the relevant snippet from my script:
>    put "ftp://"&; tUser &":"& tPword &"@"& tHost &\
>       "/"& tDir &"/" into tBaseDestUrl
>     put 0 into tCounter
>     put the number of lines of tFileList into tMaxCount
>     InitProgress  "Uploding files...", tMaxCount
>     repeat for each line tDestFile in tFileList
>       add 1 to tCounter
>       put line 1 of tFileList into tDestFile
>       put tBaseDestUrl & tDestFile into tDestUrl
>       doProgress "Uploading file "&tCounter&" of "&tMaxCount, tCounter
>       put url ("file:"&line 1 of tFileList) into url tDestUrl
>       Err the result
>     end repeat
>My aim is to step through the list of local files in tFileList and upload
>each, incrementing a progress indicator as each file completes (each file is
>only a few k, so this level of granularity for the user feedback is okay).

It should work. Something very similar works here (i.e. doing a 
series of "puts" in a repeat loop, and showing "progress" in the 
message box before each "put").

>Running the script above, the first file transfers fine but I get a socket
>timeout on the second.

Any chance the timeout error is real (i.e unresponsive server)?

Do you send any messages in the doProgress or Err handlers, or do 
anything that might cause a wait (without messages)? Do the uploads 
work if you comment out those commands?

Which version of libUrl are you using? There was a problem in an 
earlier version where every second download would fail. But this was 
before the version in the 2.4.2 engine. You can get the latest 
version here:


All question, no answers. Sorry!

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