>Actually, you can protect a stack as well as a standalone. Set the
>cantModify to true, give it a password and save it. The only thing someone
>with MC will be able to do is open your stack and view the cards - they
>won't be able to view or change scripts, and even if they move objects
>around, it won't be saved due to the cantModify. The scripts are also
>encrypted so that text editors won't be able to see anything but garbage.

Ah but herein lies the dilemma... the reason for having an external 
stack in addition to the standalone, is to save data into since you 
can't save it in the standalone.  In other words, it's a dump file of 
sorts.  With a goal of making absolutely sure that nobody can view 
the data, but the standalone can get the data, save to it, read from 
it, etc.

I remember from years of working with Hypercard, many discussions on 
how easy it was to break into a stack, even with protections.

I do not know if this holds true for a Metacard stack.  But I prefer 
to err on the side of caution.

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