--On Thursday, June 27, 2002 11:57:24 -0400 Shari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>> Actually, you can protect a stack as well as a standalone. Set the
>> cantModify to true, give it a password and save it. The only thing
>> someone with MC will be able to do is open your stack and view the cards
>> - they won't be able to view or change scripts, and even if they move
>> objects around, it won't be saved due to the cantModify. The scripts are
>> also encrypted so that text editors won't be able to see anything but
>> garbage.
> Ah but herein lies the dilemma... the reason for having an external stack
> in addition to the standalone, is to save data into since you can't save
> it in the standalone.  In other words, it's a dump file of sorts.

Well, there's other advantages to it among which being able to modify a 
stack without having to make a standalone every time you do it, is one of 
If you consider a standalone as the ultimate security you're wrong since a 
standalone is nothing more then the engine+stack so you can still open it 
with a text editor and read the scripts if they are not encrypted.
Try breaking an encrypted stack and I'll give you a candy if you do it;-).

> With a
> goal of making absolutely sure that nobody can view the data, but the
> standalone can get the data, save to it, read from it, etc.
> I remember from years of working with Hypercard, many discussions on how
> easy it was to break into a stack, even with protections.
> I do not know if this holds true for a Metacard stack.  But I prefer to
> err on the side of caution.
> --
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