Shao Sean wrote:

> repeat with i = 127 to 255
> replace numToChar(i) with ("=" & toUpper(baseConvert(i,10,16))) in
> inputData
> end repeat
> return inputData
> repeat for each char inputDataChar in inputData
> if (charToNum(inputDataChar) >= 127) then
> put "=" & toUpper(baseConvert(charToNum(inputDataChar),10,16)) after
> outputData
> else
> put inputDataChar after outputData
> end if
> end repeat
> return outputData
> is "repeat for each" really that much quicker?  i realize that the amount of
> data being converted is a major factor, but the first one only needs to loop
> 128 times whereas the second one has to loop for each char, which could be
> well more than 128 chars..

Try this:

on mouseUp
  answer file "Select a file:"
  if it is empty then exit to top
  put url("file:"&it) into inputData
  put len(inputData) into tLen
  set the cursor to watch
  -- TEST 1
  put the milliseconds into tStart
  repeat with i = 127 to 255
    replace numToChar(i) with ("=" & toUpper(baseConvert(i,10,16))) \
        in inputData
  end repeat
  put the milliseconds - tStart into tTime1
  put inputData into tOut1
  -- TEST 2
  put the milliseconds into tStart
  repeat for each char inputDataChar in inputData
    if (charToNum(inputDataChar) >= 127) then
      put "=" & toUpper(baseConvert(charToNum(inputDataChar),10,16)) \
          after outputData
      put inputDataChar after outputData
    end if
  end repeat
  put the milliseconds - tStart into tTime2
  put outputData into tOut2
  if tOut1 <> tOut2 then put "error on one of the algorithms"
  else  put "Length: "&tLen&"  replace: "&tTime1 &\
      "  repeat for each: "& tTime2
end mouseUp

I got these results testing on three different files:

   Length:   2566    replace:   22    repeat for each: 5
   Length:  16167    replace:   99    repeat for each: 35

   Length: 204152    replace: 1726    repeat for each: 684

Perhaps on really large files the first method might be faster.

It takes only a moment to verify questions of relative performance, well
worth doing when you're looking for ways to optimize performance.

To see other performance comparisons and conveniently run your own try
MetaBench, a benchmarking tool for comparing script snippets:

If you wanna see some really scary results, run the same test on equivalent
Mac and PC machines....

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Custom Software and Web Development for All Major Platforms
 Developer of WebMerge 2.0: Publish any database on any site
 Tel: 323-225-3717                       AIM: FourthWorldInc

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