*sigh*  One problem leads to another....

Now it works without dialogs or opening windows, but it appears to be 
using the script from streetStack in both cases.  It doesn't seem to 
be purging the info, because the stacks have different version 
numbers, but when I test it with "answer", the version numbers are 
the same, from the first stack.

I tried using a custom property instead of a script for storing 
version numbers.  No difference.

# see which stack is newer version, replace if necessary, delete oldest version
   lock screen
   lock messages
   # put word 3 of line 1 of the script of stack streetStack into origStack
   put the gVersion of stack streetStack into origStack
   close stack streetStack
   wait for messages
   # put word 3 of line 1 of the script of stack newGold into installStack
   put the gVersion of stack newGold into installStack
   close stack newGold
   wait for messages
   set the lockMessages to false
   unlock screen

   wait for messages
   answer installStack && origStack
   exit to top
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