
-- assumes 'streetStack' is the full filename to the stack
lock messages
open inv stack streetStack
put the gVersion of stack streetStack into origStack
close stack streetStack -- make sure destroyStack/destroywindow are true
delete file streetStack
save stack newGold as streetStack

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site:

Didn't quite do it but it gave me ideas to try. My next programming day is Wednesday, so I'll be quiet for a few days :-)

I did solve a biggie today :-) One of my beta testers for Phase I reported that "nothing worked". Talk about a bummer. And on my birthday of all days.

He was testing on OSX and my first thought was, oh man, you mean it doesn't work on OSX??

But he tried the Classic version and got the same result (bigger bummer, you mean it only works on MY computer????)

But it turned out to be a very small bug. An option he chose that put 0 into a variable that should have been a very large number.

He figured it out on his own, to uncheck that option, and now he's happily testing away :-)

Interesting that my best luck with beta testers always come from my Macintosh Users Group. So far I've gotten not one word of feedback from the beta testers who surfed into my website and applied.

I'm sitting on the Windows version until I know all is well with the Mac version. Decided it's better to get one of them out the door, and THEN take time for the other one.

Current project (streetStack etc.) is a plug in for Phase I. An addition. Rather than trusting people to install the newer stacks (they may have a combination, where this stack is newer but that one is older), I'm creating an installer button that deletes the oldest stacks and replaces with the newest ones.

Well I'm off to celebrate my birthday :-)

Shari C

--Shareware Games for the Mac--
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