
You could write the code in the startup handler of your app that would
change the value in the Info.pList file, but that would only "take" for
subsequent launches; the first time, the user would see "MetaCard".

The other way is to ship your standalone to someone with OS X and let them
fix it for you (until you get a copy of OS X of your own).

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Shari" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: Metacard menu?

> So if you don't have OSX, and are compiling for OSX on PPC or
> Windows, you are stuck with this menu.
> Lovely.
> There is no way to alter this from another platform?
> >Every app in OS X has the Application name as its first menu. It
> >seemed annoying at first, but now I like it.
> >
> >To change what it says (instead of MetaCard):
> >
> >Right click on your .app in OS X, choose "view package contents"
> >
> >Open the contents folder
> >
> >open the info.plist file
> >
> >CFBundleName has the name that goes there - you can change it to say
> >
> >
> >The "Metacard" (application) menu should have a Quit option, too -
> >you will need to handle that using an appleevent if you want to
> >intercept the quit message (from the finder, or other applications)
> >..if you are ok withit just quitting, then ignore it.
> >
> >on appleEvent sClass,sID,sSender
> >   if sID = "quit" then
> >     mainQuit # or whatever your beforeQuit function looks like
> >   else
> >     # go on, quit!
> >     pass appleEvent
> >   end if
> >
> >end appleEvent
> >
> >-ml
> --
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