Hi Jack,

Klaus Major wrote:

revVideoGrabber <videograbbercommand>,optionalparameters  :-)

How do you like this line ;-)
All this and more in the next version of RR.
And crossplatform, of course...
Okay Klaus - I'll bite! 
Ouch ! ;-)

Do you really think that "videoGrab" is a part of Rev 2.0? 
I don't think so, i know !

Do you think it would be able to import both digital (Firewire)
and analog (some kind of USB deviee or PCI card?) 
I don't know about details (i do not have any video device yet,
although it is christmas :-(, but on a Mac you can do it with Quicktime
and on windoze you have the choice of QT of "Video for windoze"

Man - this could be very cool.

Thanks - even if you are teasing -
No trick, no bluff, no fooling and no shit ;-)

and have a tremendous holiday season!
Thank you and to you , too :-)

Jack Rarick
Braintree Athletic Systems

Klaus Major

This is the "videograbbercommands.txt" file from the last alpha-build of RR.

I don't think this is topsecret, so i will add it here in the PS...
(Please don't shoot me if it is...)


revVideoGrabber <videograbbercommand>,optionalparameters

Video grabber command:
a) Open - opens the video grabber using quicktime or video for windows.
Specify the name of the stack, and rect of the video grabber window.

examples 1 - open video grabber at rect of image 1 with video for windows
revvideograbber "open",short name of this stack,"qt",rect of field 2
example 2 - open video grabber at rect of field 2 with quicktime

Quicktime is supported on Mac and Windows

b) Show - starts previewing/displaying video (but does *not save the video
data to disk*). For quicktime you need to call revvideograbber idle to give
QT sufficient processing time..this is not needed when using video for
Windows. Stops recording if recording was in progress

example -
revvideograbber "show"
repeat while recordvideo is true
revvideograbber "idle" # give qt processing time
wait for 1 millisecond with messages # handles any events
end repeat

c) Idle - Gives Quicktime processing time to display video input source
(required to update display when previewing and recording). Does nothing
when using VFW, as Windows internally opens a seperate thread to do this.

d) Hide - Stops previewing/displaying video

e) StartRecording - Starts recording and displaying the video and saves to
specified filename on disk.

example -
revvideograbber "startrecording",<filename>

As stated above you need to give QT sufficent processing time while
recording using revvideograbber "idle"

f) StopRecording - stop recording video.

g) Dialog - displays the standard video recording dialogs for Quicktime or
Video for Windows.
The types of dialogs you can specify are compression, format, display, and
source. Neither QT or VFW supports all dialog types.

example - revvideograbber "dialog","compression"
revvideograbber "dialog","format"
revvideograbber "dialog","display"
revvideograbber "dialog","source"

h) Close - closes the video grabber. This stop recording..if recording was
in progress. Should call on closestack to release memory used by video

i) revvideograbber "grabimage",width of image 1, height of image
set the imagedata of image "videoimage" to videoimagedata

The grabimage command grabs the current frame, and copies it to the
specified variable (videoimagedata) as imagedata (rgb, rgb). You can then
set the imagedata of an image.to display the frame. Useful if you want to
take a photograph.


Sounds promising, doesn't it ?! :-)
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