| > though it is an html file it is being executed as a cgi script.
| > (Perhaps Pierre will explain that little twist to us). 
| Simple : each time i watch to the logs of the production servers, i can
| see that stupid and negative peoples are trying to hack them, day after
| day and without success but they are trying... -> It seems me a good
| idea to do them confused in using firewalls, poxying apps and soo on
| but, not only...
| In beetwin : most of the attacks are inited from win32 boxes and
| dedicated to hack win32 files-systems...

        Aha!  eureka.  j'comprende.  I also get the same thing.
        Lot's of 404's of people trying to access non existent
        files (like .exe which of course, means they are hoping
        I'm a windoz box and they are going to find something
        to exploit.).  the kiddie script doods, we call them.
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