
Thanks for the info but...

You should read the information on the web page and in the info of the editor's 

This upgrade is meant for MC 2.5 not 2.4. An old version of the editor is installed 
for MC 2.4.*. By the time I finish 1.3, MC 2.5 should be out which means there's no 
use in updating outdated software... 

Since this is just a hobby to develop this, I have very little incentives to do 
more... But any donations will be rightfully considered though! If you tell me that a 
shareware + registration is something you want, then I'll upgrade it on the spot after 
I get 500$ which I doubt will ever happen. ;((

The Editor 1.3 is the only one Im supporting for the moment. You are free to integrate 
1.3 features into 1.1.5 if you want to help - it's all opensource... Note that stacks 
opened in 2.5 are backward compatible with 2.4.* as far as I've seen so it should 
little problem to copy paste.

The slow downs are also explained in the help and how to optimize the usage... It's 
all tested on a 200K script and for me, it remains usable even with coloring... But 
speed is a factor and I do all I can. You are also welcome to furnish any DLL's/XCMDs 
to speed up things of course!

The new 1.3 version fixes ALL the resizing problems but I dont have a Mac or OSX or 
Linux to test it on. 


> on Mon, 27 Jan 2003 09:57:42 +0100
> Xavier Bury wrote:
> > Hello scripting fans,
> > I got a new release of the script editor X coming...
> > Too many new features, fixes and tuning to mention!
> > [snip]
> > Last but not least, Im still waiting to hear of any
> > bugs... Although I've
> > I've corrected most since 1.2.1, I work mostly on
> > the 1.3 version for MC2.5.
> > I wont update the MC 2.4 script editor if I dont
> > hear of any bugs... ;))
> Bugs!!! I swear that those were actual features ;)
> Using the Mac version for 2.4.2, 800 x 600 resolution.
> The script editor cuts the right side of the window.
> A small resize from the corner and everything is OK.
> When you resize vertically the script windows, the
> last menu (snippet) gets over other menus of the
> window. The colorizing slow down was already
> mentioned.
> The preferences didn't work in my editor,
> so I cannot change the size or type of the fonts.
> I'll be good to put the version and the date in
> an about box with a link for checking for new
> updates or versions. :)
> (If all this has been already reported,
> and corrected, please be patient with me.)
> > Please write down your comments and vote in the
> > surveys, so I can improve it
> > further!
> > 
> > Cheers
> > Xavier
> Keep updating for 2.4.2 of MetaCard!
> Your editor and Klaus Tools are paving the way for 
> a greater and better development enviroment.
> Thanks a lot!
> Alejandro

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