Xavier Bury wrote:  

>Thanks for the info but...
>You should read the information on the web page and
>the info of the editor's installer... 

Mea culpa! ;)

>This upgrade is meant for MC 2.5 not 2.4. An old 
>version of the editor is installed for MC 2.4.*. By
>the time I finish 1.3, MC 2.5 should be out which 
>means there's no use in updating outdated software...

No software is outdated, while it could fullfill the
purposes to which it was created.
As you could guess, I'm not making my development
with the latest beta. In fact, what I do with latest
version is to open all the files that I already have
to test if they work fine. 
To remember us that old software don't die check all
Software emulators. They are more popular than ever!

>Since this is just a hobby to develop this, I have 
>very little incentives to do more... But any
>will be rightfully considered though! If you tell me 
>that a shareware + registration is something you
>then I'll upgrade it on the spot after I get 500$ 
>which I doubt will ever happen. ;((

Exactly like you, I strongly suspect that you will not
get $500 :))
I remember that some authors release their work as
postcardware. There are others more creatives schemes
for payment: Lobsters, Stamps, Mugs, etc. This is a 
good point that we must keep talking about.

For the EPSimport tool, I will feel more than
happy, if users send me examples or web links of
creative uses of the graphics that they import!

For example, How much are we able (or want) to pay
for the tools that we need?
How much WILL cost (let's use a recent example) a
stack, or script or library that exports the stack
contents to PDF, using javascript, pdf links, PDF
and password protection?
This have been already done partially or fully in
Perl and maybe Phyton.
Another example:
Some users want direct support of Flash, instead
of using Quicktime to play Flash movies, sounds or
Animations. If someone code a dll or xcmd to make this
possible and charge $500 for unlimited use, Do you 
think that users must keep asking Scott to include
direct support for Flash in MetaCard?

>The Editor 1.3 is the only one Im supporting for the
>moment. You are free to integrate 1.3 features into 
>1.1.5 if you want to help - it's all opensource... 

Ah! well, Thanks.
In the future, maybe we can make a tutorial about
customizing this editor, klaus tool and the
enviroment in general!
With scripts explained in excess and images of the
dialogs and windows.... 

>You are also welcome to furnish any DLL's/XCMDs to
>speed up things of course!

These two (DLL's/XCMDs) are beyond me. For now ;))

By the way, Xavier, I still think that your editor is
key to implement the use other languages different
than english (like french, german or spanish) to code
development engine.
The preferences for the language of use could be set
with a pop-up button in the home stack or a menu...

Keep Up the good work


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