I had the understanding that the "list"-option of the group command was
an option to automate the tedious process to concatenate manually a
huge number of crontols in the script editor.

This is what the Metatalk Reference says:

"Syntax: "group <c>"

where "<c> stands for a list, explained by an if-statement:

"If a list of controls is supplied, those controls will be added to
the new group."

If "list" here would just mean the concatenated sequence of controls
names or numbers in a script - explicitly written down one after the
other -, this extra option would be meaningless.

I tried to put the contatenated sequence of control names into a
variable "fieldlist" by means of a repeat loop.
Then, "group fieldlist" - both with an "and"-sequence as you suggested
and a vertical order of controls as lines - only produced errors.

The question remains, is there a special structure for the "list"-option
or is the information of the MetaTalk Reference merely tautological,
i.e. repeating in a fuzzy way what already had been stated?

If the latter is the case then the sentence:

"If a list of controls is supplied, those controls will be added to
the new group."

would indeed be superfluous and misleading.

Thanks and regards,

I think the entry for this in the MetaTalk Reference needs to be updated to clarify the very issue you raised. Intuitvely, when I encounter the term "list", I think of a group of "items" that have a common delimiter, enabling me to "buld" a list in a rather simple manner. My first go-'round with this was to try to prepare a string comprising the list of controls, trying different delimiters. Of course, that totally didn't work. I finally settled on the concatenation method demonstrated in the docs. (But I still don't like it.)
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