> I can program in MetaCard in my sleep (and often have.)  The idea of
> relearning a complicated interface and paying for the privilege
> does nothing
> for me.  If Revolution wants the remaining hardcore MetaCard users, they
> have one serious shot at it... They need to offer a FREE
> cross-grade, right
> now.  Everyone who is running MetaCard 2.5 legally should get a free
> cross-grade.  Otherwise, what is to prevent us from just running MetaCard
> 2.5 for the next 4 or 5 years?
> I will not pay to switch to Revolution.
As Scott said the MC IDE is now open source so you can continue to maintain
an engine license and use the MC IDE instead of Rev. It's up to you if you
want to switch or not but it seems that all development will go into the
engine and the Rev IDE.

Do we have any idea how this will work? For example, if you have a Rev
license will you be able to use your choice of Rev, MC or FreeGUI (or
whatever else)? That seems to be the most logical way to do things.



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