If this is all you worry about, you can rest easy.  I'll continue to
be a part of the engine development team for the foreseeable future,
and though my control over the direction of the technology and
management will be greatly diminished, I have complete confidence in
the team at Runtime Revolution.  They're just better managers and
marketers than I ever was ;-)


If you learn any new marketing tricks, let us know! They say that developers often make the worst marketers, which is why it is so difficult to succeed in this business. We'd rather stay glued to the keyboard and code, than pound the pavements strutting our stuff.

Kinda reminds me of Apple/Windows. Apple had the better product, but Billy was the marketing genius, and so snatched up the majority of marketshare.

If I am understanding this, in the future, if you took the Rev engine, but replaced the stacks (Home, Help, Metacard Menubar, etc.) with the current MC stacks, it would run?

There were features I liked about Rev when I tried it, like sorting the contents of the Control Browser. There were other features that got in the way, though I truthfully don't recall what they were.

I don't have a lot of faith in Open Source carrying a product into the future as something you can rely on for years to come. I'm not aware of an open source program that has been around for at least 10 years, is stable, and of this magnitude. Since nobody makes money from open source, there is nothing to keep it alive but heart, and that usually fades with time.

Sometimes new blood in a company is a positive thing. Sometimes not. I still bitch every time I use OSX, as it is so Windows-like. I miss being able to double click the title bar to collapse a window (yes I know you can get programs to do this, but before, we didn't have to). I despise having to go thru "Are you sure you want to..." dialogs every time I click a button. I miss being able to color folders, so that certain ones stand out and remind me of something.

I can only hope this change will be a GOOD thing. It wouldn't have mattered to me if Scott added a lot of features, as long as the engine was kept up to date with the computer platforms, and of course if a major change occurred in the computer world, that it would be integrated. (Such as when computers added color, and Hypercard tacked it on but never truly integrated it as they should have.)

Yes I am rambling. Where I should be off doing things that need to be done by Friday to get ready for the Shareware Industry Conference.....

Shari C
--Shareware Games for the Mac--
metacard mailing list

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