On Wednesday, July 9, 2003, at 11:31 AM, Shari wrote:

We've got MC 2.5 now, with a full license; but how does that apply to Rev 2.0? Merely downloding the latest version of Rev will still hold developers to the ten-line limit. Right?

Do I hear a suggestion out there in the Rev world?

Does this MC List get mereged into the Rev List?

Will Scott's Wise Eye watch over us chickens when we start to PANIC?

Ray G. Miller

Gosh, think of those of us whose license ran out. At least you can *try* Rev for free, and make sure it really does run your projects just as MC does. I would have pay just to find out. Not a happy prospect.

At least with MC, if I did a paid upgrade, I would know that I was getting what I have, only better.

Now, a paid upgrade means, well getting something unproven and untried, for projects that are finally stable and productive.

--Shareware Games for the Mac--

Why not download the free running version that lasts for 30 days and see how it goes?

Best regards,
Mark Talluto

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