On Fri, 2003-08-08 at 14:12, jbv wrote:

> And BTW again, did anyone contact Kevin privately about this
> script limit thing, as suggested in his original message ?
> And did anyone get an answer ?
> I'm not so interested in the content of the answer, but much more in
> knowing if any answer has been received...

yes I did - and no answer yet. It is the Edinburgh festival though :)

> PS: if such big differences exists between MC and Rev users,
> why don't we (MC users) get organised as an (informal) think
> tank 

Yes - for me this would be the same thing as a group of "open source
developers" using MC based collaborative tools - to develop code
libraries and recoommend which features should be incorporated into the
engine.The lead open source developers would provide the role and
feedback that RunRev / Scott require.

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