On Fri, 2003-08-08 at 14:12, jbv wrote:

> And BTW again, did anyone contact Kevin privately about this
> script limit thing, as suggested in his original message ?
> And did anyone get an answer ?
> I'm not so interested in the content of the answer, but much more in
> knowing if any answer has been received...

Yes I did, too - and no answer yet. But because I - as a romantic person
- believe in the good of  mankind, I am hopeful.

Have a look at the Runrev site. First figures for license renewals are
there, although nothing for Metacard users so far.

 The upgrade of  the three-weeks old Express edition (from 2.0x to 2.1)
costs 20 US$, the upgrade for the Studio edition from 2.0 to 2.1 50 US$.

The new version Rev 2.1B2  (which is Metacard 2.5.1B2) contains minor
changes - among them are an "export snapshot" command and a "drawer"
command that opens another stack as a "drawer" attached right, bottom or
left, and a lot of decorations changes.

I tried the drawer command and find that to change the size of a stack
to simulate a drawer and after that again collapse it would need only
slightly more scripting and is more elegant.


Wilhelm Sanke

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