Wilhelm Sanke wrote:
Yesterday I had written:

Errordialog is indeed defined in the engine (make a textsearch of the engine with a word processor), which means that contrary to what Jacqueline quoted from Tuviah (see above) there must have been changes with respect to error codes in the engine.

Yes, errorDialog is the message sent by the engine to notify the environment of script execution errors.

The handler for this message is in MC's backscript (btn "newObj" of stack "MetaCard Menu Bar"):

on errorDialog which
  set the executionerror of card 1 of stack "Execution Error" to which
  modeless "Execution Error"
  send "refresh" to card 1 of stack "Execution Error"
end errorDialog

The error messages are stored in a hidden field in the "Execution Error" window. These messages had changed once before, and after complaining to Scott they have never changed since. Tuv maintains that these have not changed in Rev v2.2.

After a second look with some more time at hand I am less sure about the exactness of my diagnosis.

First of all, there are two (identical?) script editors in our IDE both of which also use "errordialog" much in the same way as in stack "mctools" but additionally check for the script limits of the Starter Kit. One of these stacks, "script editor", is by default invisible, but both stacks "script editor" and "script editor 1" seem to contain the same scripts; however, I have not done a word-for-word comparison.

The MC IDE clones the "script editor" stack when editing a script. I had in advertently saved the stack when I posted the last build.

The presence of additional script editor clones apparently has no affect on behavior; it's simply one less step the IDE performs when editing a script. For cleanliness, however, I agree that it should be removed from the final build.

Going forward, with the approval of the folks here I'll add a "StripAndShip" handler in the IDE to run before posting which will take care of such anomalies. Agreed?

As a substack of the home stack we have got a "Stack 988758648" which seems to be entirely empty. Where does it come from?

I believe it was in an old Home stack downloaded from metacard.com, from which the v2.5.1 and v2.6 releases were made. It seems to serve no purpose and can be deleted in the next build.


I re-checked - I think others in our group have done that already - the identity of the MC_IDE stacks on my Windows computer from 2.5.1, 2.6a2 to the different versions of 2.6. With the exception of the different engines the IDE stacks are absolutely indentical. But indeed for versions higher than 2.5.1 the said *first* error dialog with "integer" occurs.
However this does not hold for standalones, which use the same engines.

Good check -- thanks for that.

I then checked the latest engine Rev 2.2 of April 4 in both IDEs; we get
> the "integer" error in the MC_IDE, but not in Revolution.

Verified. This may be the result of changes to the Rev error dialog to accomodate changes in the engine. I have requested a summary of engine error-handling changes from Tuv; it's not yet arrived, but he may just be busy.

I hope I am not too far off the mark with a "logical" conclusion that if the error codes of the engines have not been changed then something else must have been changed that pertains to the interaction of the engine with the MC_IDE - or does anybody see other possible conclusions on the basis of the described facts?

That would be correct if the premise that error codes have not changed in the engine is correct. While that has been reported to be the case by Tuv, it may not be entirely accurate.

There are only two factors at play, the engine and the IDE. The IDE performs as expected with engine v2.5.1, but the same IDE gives incorrect error messages with engine v2.6. Jacque has verified this as well.

So either our test with the MC IDE 2.6b1 and engine v2.5.1 was somehow done erroneously, or this would seem to indicate that a change occurred in the engine.

Do you have a recipe for generating a false error message reliably? I spent a little time on it over the weekend while preparing the beta release but was unable to get a consistent result.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
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