Hi. At quick glance I think you have to free_result to free up the memory at the end(?). http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.pg-free-result.php


Pierre Sahores wrote:

Le 21 sept. 04, à 21:28, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

Pierre Sahores wrote:

Yes, it's a server side app directly speaking trought html forms on the client side and binded to a rock solid SQL databases server on the back-end. It works as a remplacement solution (and paradigm !) to the less stuitable Java-based stuffs built to run on top of Tomcat or JBoss servers.

Got the picture :)

To have an eye on what it does (whithout writting anything in this real production state app, please !), you can test it on line in both "filling datas mode" (login : 0931213N ; password: sais0093) and "reporting mode" (login : synt0734 ; password: collecte) by visiting <http://acacia93.dyndns.org/classpac.xml>.

Thanks Pierre had a good butchers (look) as they say over here. The basic thing I want to be clear on is what would a function in php look like that i can call from a php scrip to set a variable? Let's take an example. Below is a php script for getting data from a mysql database and setting some variables for use in a smarty template, the key bit is not really the database stuff which is what we would replace by calling Rev to act as middle ware, but the php function that could be written to talk to the socket listening Rev app and get the results back so as to set a variable in php (ie the $smarty->assign("url",$url); bit). I am thinking that we could have one generic php function that takes the name of a Rev based object to call and maybe some params, passes the usual post day suitable packaged, and then returns data (maybe as an array)?

Did you have a look to the PHP sockets listener/translator script I provide along the example app you can get below ? It's possibly this kind of stuff you are watching for. See the "wmc.xml" file (not xml at all but a simple php script witch don't say its name to the sad-side-of-the-force hackers...)

To get it, just type
<http://acacia93.dyndns.org/rev_web_app.zip> from
within your prefered Web browser.

Let me know if that helps.

Best, Pierre :-)

/* PHP script, sends mysql result to a Smarty template
*/ require_once("Smarty.class.php");
$smarty = new Smarty;

// connect db
mysql_connect('localhost', 'test', 'test');

$query = "select link, descr, DATE_FORMAT(date_added, '%e %M %Y') as date, name from intranet_links";

// search for $s
if ($s)
    $query .= " where (descr like '%$s%' or link like '%$s%')";

$result = mysql_query($query); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array ($result)) { $url[] .= $data[link]; $descr[] .= $data[descr]; $name[] .= $data[name]; $date[] .= $data[date]; } $smarty->assign("url",$url); $smarty->assign("descr",$descr); $smarty->assign("name",$name); $smarty->assign("date",$date);


// close db mysql_close(); ?>

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