On 6/19/05 2:09 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

To minimize potential conflicts with the engine going forward we may want to use the same IDs Rev uses for the splitter cursors, which are 1031 for horizontal splitter and 201582 for vertical splitter. But those numbers are so out of sequence they seem strange -- any of you have a moment to double-check those?

Once we confirm the IDs of the splitter cursors in Rev, should we update MC's to match those? I'm inclined to say yes to be done with it, even if the numbers are oddly out of sequence. Objections?

If I understand it right, the old splitter IDs are now used for other things, so I don't see any harm in updating the splitters to the new IDs. This change is going to break my old stacks regardless. It will break the Variable Watcher too, right?

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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