On Thu, 16 Feb 2006, "J. Landman Gay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

As of version 2.7 it is important to note that you can't build
standalones out of the engine that runs the IDE. Conversely, you can't
run any external stacks using a standalone as a "player". So it is
important to choose the "standalone" version of the app engine when
making a standalone, as that is the only one that will work.

-- Jacqueline Landman Gay


your second sentence above

"Conversely, you can't run any external stacks using a standalone as a "player"

could be somewhat misleading. You surely intended to say "using *the* standalone file needed to build standalones". As I was a bit confused at first and to make sure you wanted to express the latter, I made a new standalone with 2.7 of my vintage "MC-Player" (something like Ken Ray's "stackrunner" for running MC and Rev stacks, but without net options - available since two years from my website <http://www.sanke.org/MetaMedia>).

The updated Player for 2.7 stacks was compiled succesfully and works. I will add it to my website.

But there is more to the 2.7 "standalone file" needed to build standalones, at least on Windows:

Rename file "standalone" to "Standalone.exe", and then you can drag-and-drop mc-files on it, which will be opened. You can even again rename "Standalone.exe" to another filename like "Player.exe" and it will work, too.

Kind regards,

Wilhelm Sanke

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