On Fri, 17 Feb 2006, Chipp Walters wrote:

OK, Now I'm confused.

Jacque and Wilhelm, are you saying one can't create an app like Ken Ray's StackRunner in 2.7? Surely not. Perhaps a little more elaboration on what it is you mean by:

 "Conversely, you can't run any external stacks using a standalone as a
>> "player"


Hi Chipp,

given your many time-consuming obligations, you probably glanced too quickly over my post.

Here is the portion of my mail addressing your question above:

I made a new standalone with 2.7 of my vintage "MC-Player" (something like Ken Ray's "stackrunner" for running MC and Rev stacks, but without net options - available since two years from my website <http://www.sanke.org/MetaMedia>).

The updated Player for 2.7 stacks was compiled succesfully and works. I will add it to my website.

I am also considering of adding the option to the Player to convert stacks saved in the new 2.7 file format back to the pre-2.7 format - similar in function to your new alt-plugin. In essence, all is needed here is one single extra line of script. I would of course include a warning, should the user choose this option, that he will loose the new functionality of 2.7 with the conversion, in case he should have included some of the new features.

Best regards,

Wilhelm Sanke

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