Wilhelm Sanke wrote:
J. Landman Gay wrote:

Wilhelm Sanke wrote:

I tried to transfer the Metacard IDE and a stack from my G4 Powerbook to a second, but very much faster G4 Powerbook to see the speed differences for scripts in the stack. Both Powerbooks run with OS 10.3.9. I used a USB-stick to put the files on the other computer.

When I start Metacard on the second Mac, which had neither Metacard nor Revolution installed before, something flashes and the Metacard icon briefly appears in the dock, but it is not started. Clicking on the accompanying file after that results also in nothing.

What am I missing? Has this maybe to do with administrator rights for installing new programs? And how could I overcome that?

This is the same behavior that is occuring when trying to build a UB standalone, but if you copied the PPC version it should work.

Were you logged in as an administrator when you copied the app? That is all that should be required.

Jacqueline Landman Gay

The faster G4 is configured to automatically boot with the administrator keyword, meaning that something else must be required to launch the MC IDE.

And: Should there not be a default dialog for such cases in the Mac OS - similar to asking for an administrator keyword when installing new software from a CD?

I tried to the same with my wife's iBook - same results: When starting the MC IDE (2.6.5 in this case) the icon briefly flashes in the dock and then nothing. However, a standalone built on my G4 can be started on her machine without problems.

Any further ideas?

Thanks for the response anyway.

The only thing I can think of is that Rev now requires a registered and licensed version on the drive before the engine will run. If you haven't installed Revolution and licensed it first, other IDEs may not work. Now technically, the MC IDE (or any other) is supposed to ask for your license code if it hasn't already been recorded on the machine, but this may not have happened for some reason.

You might try installing Revolution, licensing it, then quitting and launching the MC IDE. That may fix it. It's all I can think of right now, anyway.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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