On Jul 15, 2006, at 2:47 AM   Jul 15, 2006, Wilhelm Sanke wrote:

Other features are refined color-tuning options like "increase saturation", "decrease saturation", "produce equal color distances from max or median" etc. or the ability to apply all matrix filters to selected colors or color combinations only, e.g. only to red, to green and blue etc., which leads to interesting results. Another possibility to work with matrix filters is to use 3X3 filters in a "hybrid" fashion as 5X5, 7X7, 9X9, and 11X11 filters: The outer cells of the 3X3 matrix are spread accordingly to a higher level. The effects of these hybrid matrices are different; with contour filters you will get much thicker contour edges. These hybrid filters have a great advantage compared to real 5X5 to 11X11 filters: applying these filters is as fast as with 3X3 filters, meaning that on my 2 GHz computer the execution time will be around 7 seconds in the MC IDE (you cannot apply the DLL of Chipp Walters here, the hybrid solutions have to be entirely scripted) and about 10 seconds in the Rev IDE (same difference holds for MC and Rev standalones), whereas a real "full" 5X5 matrix would need about 25 seconds to execute. There are also "half-tone" filters, i.e. the possibility to produce half-tone images by a combination of filters.

For the "full" 3X3 and 5X5 matrix you can either produce and try out new filters using a random function (that also calculates the correct "division" factor for maintaining more or less the origonal color balance) or to create or change new filters manually by entering values into the cells of the matrix. These new filters can be given a name and stored ( and deleted) as user-defined filters for subsequent use.--

This all looks very interesting Wilhelm.  Keep up the good work!

Mark Talluto
CANELA Software

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