Hi Shari, Richard and all friends of the lean IDE!

J. Landman Gay wrote:
Shari wrote:
I do not have a current license. My license is for Metacard from before the RunRev takeover. I am waiting for the OSX-Intel- Metacard standalone bugs to be worked out before I upgrade my license :-)
As Richard pointed out, you can use the old MC engine.
Note though that there are no standalone/Intel bugs when building with Revolution's IDE. I believe Richard is working on getting the MC IDE standalone builder to work with Universal Binaries, but in the mean time MC still works fine as-is for Windows and PPC Macs
I've tested the materials Jacque sent me from Mark Waddingham, and in my brief test is looks like he did a find job. Klaus is verifying this now and if it's a go he'll post a new build with it.

Malte B. was so kind to test some standalones for me, since I do not have an IntelMac, I'm still working with an almost 6 year old G4, which behaves just like
a Volkswagen (the old Beetle) :-)

It looks like Mark's code is working well! Not that I had doubted that ;-)

I will be able to post a new build of the MC IDE next week I think.
So stay tuned!

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]       http://www.FourthWorld.com

Best from germany

Klaus Major (Winnie the Poobah)

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