On Aug 31, 2006, at 6:57 AM, Shari wrote:

Now that I have Revolution up and running and Metacard 2.7 up and running I thought I'd open my biggest fully finished project and see how it fared with both.
The stack opens. But the Revolution IDE does not like that I have standard stacks installed in the stack. (For ease of Standalone building, a long time ago I installed custom versions of Ask, Answer, Message etc. in the stack so that I would not have to import them every time I built a standalone.) The Message box in particular gives it fits. I could not determine whether my password protections were still in place. (The Message Box errors seemed to override most of what I tried to experiment with.)

Hi Shari,

When I need the standard stacks in my standalones, I make copies of them and include the copies as substacks of my splash stack. Then on startup, I rename the stacks with:

if not(there is a stack "xxx") then set the name of stack "copy of xxx" to "xxx"

This also makes a way for me to customize the appearance or behavior of the standard stacks so they fit with my application.

But I'm curious, when would you need the message box in a finished application? Rev's message box, with its extra features, would hardly be suitable, though MetaCard's plain ole box would I suppose be more neutral.


Tereza Snyder

   Califex Software, Inc.
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