Hi Klaus
I've downloaded the latest IDE. After testing on Windows there are a few things to observe:

1. When the script editor is open and I use ctrl + f to find something in this window, the wrong find window opens (the one with the 3 options: partial words, whole words, case sensitive In stack.... ) Instead I have to close it first and then choose Tools -- > Find in the script editor menu.

2. In the new Tools.mc there is an overlapping in the menu File: Open stack partially covers Ctrl+o.

3. And the cross cursor still appears from time to time. It happens when I use ctrl+o to open a stack when another stack already is open (but not always). It is actually the cursor belonging to the Scrollbar tool.

Signe Marie

Den 25. mai. 2007 kl. 20:16 skrev Klaus Major:

Hi Signe Marie,

Hi Klaus
Sometimes (always?) when I have opened MC2.8.2

you mean 2.8.1 ;-)

with the latest IDE and then use Ctrl + o to open an application, this opens with the cross cursor (if that is the name).

What do you mean exactly?
Whatt platform?
Do you get the wrong cursor?
Does the cursor change when you change the "tool"?

I will be able to test on PC tomorrow then I can tell you more (hopefully).

Signe Marie


Klaus Major

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