These are the functions I have:

function stack_Exists someName
   -- will not add stack to memory

   set lockmessages to true
   put the mainstacks into stacksInMemory
   put empty into shortStackName
   if exists(stack someName) then
       put true into safeExistence
       put not(shortStackName is among the lines of stacksInMemory) into
       if needToClose then
           stack_CloseMain someFile
       end if
       put false into safeExistence
   end if
   set lockmessages to false
   return safeExistence
end stack_Exists

on stack_CloseMain stackName
   if there is a stack stackName is false then
       return false
   end if

   set lockmessages to true
   put the mainstack of stack stackName into mainStackName
   -- set the destroystack of stack mainStackName to true
   -- set the destroywindow of stack mainStackName to true
   close stack mainStackName
   if there is a stack mainStackName then
       delete stack mainStackName
   end if
   set lockmessages to false
   return true
end stack_CloseMain
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