Possibly the quickest way to get some reasonable sort of reply to your question is to post to
the RunRev Use-List rather than the Metacard one.


I only attempted a build in Rev after the MC attempt gave an error. I do everything in MC so I came here first hoping for an MC fix. The 3.5 build worked. Hopefully you are right and it plays nice with all the most recent operating systems.

I will try your suggestion for building MC 4.0 with Jacque's setup.

My code hasn't changed significantly. The only thing I changed with this release was to add/delete a couple of menu items that go to websites. Deleted websites I no longer own and added my new ones and added a very simple button that also goes to a website.

I guess it's been awhile since I released a new version. It seemed like all I was doing was updating one game over and over and I felt like I was spinning my wheels too much on one thing. So I started working on a different game that won't come out for a long while plus writing the book. (see my sig line for the book :-)


Bad Dog to Best Friend paperback and Kindle book
WlND0WS and MAClNT0SH shareware
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