Title: Re: [meteorite-list] Photos of Meteorites

  Excellent photo as far as I'm concerned. Nicely lit. Positioning is a personal thing so use the angle you think would be best. I see nothing wrong with that image personally. Nice job.

Tom Randall

Hello Everyone,
I have started taking an interest in attempting "nice" photos of the meteorites in my collection and I was doing some experimenting yesterday with a 600+ gram sikhote-alin.  Here is what I think is the best image:
Some on the list have done some amazing photography and I was wondering if some of you photo experts would take a look and give me some advice on lighting, background, positioning, etc.  For this image, I used the flash on the digitial camera and two high intensity photofloods on either side of the specimen.  Any helpful suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks.


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