At 08:57 PM 5/19/02 -0500, Mark Bostick wrote:
 From M. Blood..
Rob, Mike & all,
We all know Rob & Mike are 100% honest & stand by their material.
Why aren't you guys members?  Since, as I understand it, the primary
purpose of IMCA is to guarentee authenticity, why would anyone NOT be
a member?
If we aren't all in this togeather, then it is really worthless,
nonsense. (or, maybe I'm missing something - if so, someone please tell
me what it is) 
Rob & Mike, I'm listening - tell me the strait poop - perhaps you have
good reasons, in which case I will bale as well. If not, then let's all
do the
right thing.
And Rhett, let's not be shy, here, or what's the point.
Best wishes, Michael

I think this is a very bad ideal.  It is not our job or responsibility to police or try to control the market.  The IMCA is a step and should be looked as such.  I had the ideal of a dealers award. This could be another IMCA step.  We could and should look for ways to expand it.  This is not one of them (I believe).
I run probley more meteorite auctions on eBay then anyone.  I will not put any statement in my auctions telling bidders to only buy from IMCA members.  For several reasons.  One that comes to my head is I do not agree with all the members on their choice of ethics. 
Me and you (Blood) have both had problems with one member that has still not sent me a refund promised even in an e-mail to the list (Brad Sampson).  (Yes Brad I understand, you lost my address the 8th time I sent it to you and you cant find my e-mail and couldnt find me in the meteorite-list archives). 
The IMCA from my a member...only promises the meteorite is real.  So I have no problem with others "ethnics"....the moment this changes I will have to see if this is a membership I wish to be a part of. 
Mark Bostick "The Big Collector"

To List Members,
Mark, and some others, makes several very good points here that I support.  Organizations such as the IMCA (Yes...I am  a member) make progress in baby steps, not giant ones.  Whenever human beings are involved, there will always be exceptions, rogues, and self-promoting individuals in every well meaning group.  Moreover, just because someone doesn't belong to "the group" shouldn't make them a target of suspicion.  Progress in a positive direction takes time and requires patience - there is no "quick fix" for the problems that ail society in general and our group specifically.  In a Utopian world, all items sold on Ebay and the Internet would be legitimate and ethical.  Until we reach that higher standard, we should expect, though not condone, the frailties of ignorant and devious seller alike.

What we can do is to make sure that those of us with knowledge conduct our personal business in a forthright and fair manner.  Eventually, the problem will correct itself.  Until then, expect problems along the way from self centered people.

Sometimes the best and most memorable education a person can receive is at the hand of a con man.  We as a group - a group of meteorite collectors and dealers, are not responsible to protest every prospective meteorite buyer from being burned.  The education and experience that can be gained from "being taken" will only enlighten those that are quick to bid on an auction item without doing their homework.  I am not a baby sitter to everyone that bids on meteorites on Ebay - nor are the rest of you.  If you want to champion a truely improtant cause with your time, take on something more noble like feeding the hungry or housing the homeless.

Off My Soapbox,

John Gwilliam

John Gwilliam Meteorites
PO Box 26854
Tempe  AZ  85285

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