For those of you that are interested in the Arizona fires, there are some interesting stories coming out of the area telling of local folks defying the evacuation notices and staying behind to protest their own homes.

My parents used to have a house in Heber up until my dad died in 1986. Even though I didn't grow up there, it was a gathering place  during the summer and holidays for the entire family. My mother sold her home to her best friend and her husband and still stays in touch with them and other old friends in the area. This story came from one of the families in Heber yesterday morning.

 The canyon where my folks house is located is quite open and flat but is full of waist-high dried grass. Many of the men from that neighborhood decided they would not evacuate but decided to stay and work to save their homes after sending their families off to safety. These are homes that were built bit by bit as money became available and every one of them were built by the hands of the people that live in them. I personally know a bunch of these guys and I'm proud to say I applaud their gallant pioneer attitude and courage.  They gathered together what equipment they could get and  cut and dug their own fire break a hundred yards or so south of my mothers old home.  Working around the clock, they were able to finish the fire break before the flames arrived.  The fire stopped at this break built by the locals and most, if not all of the homes in the immediate area were safe.

No one has seen a spotted owl in the last 10 days.

Best to All,


At 11:36 PM 6/25/02 -0700, Michael Farmer wrote:

Just to let everyone know, I have arrived back home tonight from Europe. The fires in Arizona are more devistating than anything i've ever seen, I only have what I saw on the news and internet, but I know the area and know what has burned, it is terrible, basically everything I knew as a kid is gone, most of the houses in Pinedale, my small town are gone, Heber was almost totally gutted. Many of my friends have lost homes, and my childhood home burned. I will try to get up there and see what is left.
Mike Farmer
More info on the shows in Europe tomorrow.

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