
Thanks very much for the explanation.  I appreciate your honesty and candor.


Walter Branch, Ph.D.
Branch Meteorites
322 Stephenson Ave., Suite B
Savannah, GA  31405 USA
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rhett Bourland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Walter Branch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Steve Arnold, Chicago!!!"
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 8:27 PM
Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] THANKS

> Actualy Walter, I think that Steve has confused this list with the mailing
> list for the IMCA.  I am the one that has called him a racist because he
> made racist comments towards Matteo Chinellato after Matteo expressed
> discontent with getting Steve's multiple messages for the same material.
> making racist comments towards someone isn't reason enough to call someone
> racist I'm not sure what is.  He almost got kicked out of the IMCA because
> will not tolerate such comments among the INTERNATIONAL Meteorite
> Association but since there was nothing against that on the website he
> wasn't kicked out but if you'll check various pages there are now
> saying that such actions are now grounds for removal and I can't believe I
> had to actually make such statements and they are only there because Steve
> proved me wrong.
> His comments to Matteo put him on a sort of probation with the IMCA where
> would be watched a bit more closely than other members.  Last night,
> the following statement on the IMCA's website
> "The purpose of the mailing list is to alert people of frauds and if a new
> person to wishes to join the association that we don't personally know
> we will post to the list asking for any experiences that anyone has had.
> you would like to post about anything meteorite related (discoveries,
> questions, good natured debate) that is welcomed as well. Please, DO NOT
> post any sales or flames to this list. There are plenty of other lists for
> those puposes. Failure to adhere to that rule will result in you being
> removed from it (but not out of the group). "
> Steve decided to post another one of his sales messages for the same old
> material to that list and as a result got removed from the mailing list
> not the IMCA.
> Also, despite what Mr. Arnold may think, I do not hate him.  I don't
> particulary care for him because of his comments to Matteo as well as some
> rather rude comments that have been made to other people off list that I
> have been told about but I do not care for him because of those actions.
> I apologize to anyone who may not care about this but I wanted to go on
> record as being the one who called Steve a racist because of his racist
> comments made towards Matteo.  Perhaps Matteo would be willing to shed a
> little light on this issue?
> Sincerely,
> Rhett Bourland
> www.asteroidmodels.com
> www.asteroidmodels.com/personal
> www.meteoritecollectors.org
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Walter
> Branch
> Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 7:02 PM
> To: Steve Arnold, Chicago!!!; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] THANKS
> Steve,
> The only person who could kick you off the list is Art Jones, the list
> administrator and I am certain that you have done nothing to warrant being
> kicked off the list.  Who has threatened to kick you off the list and who
> has called you a racist?
> -Walter
> -----------------------------------------------
> Walter Branch, Ph.D.
> Branch Meteorites
> 322 Stephenson Ave., Suite B
> Savannah, GA  31405 USA
> www.branchmeteorites.com
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Steve Arnold, Chicago!!!" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 7:42 PM
> Subject: [meteorite-list] THANKS
> > Hi list. I want to thank alot of you good folks for supporting me. I
> > intended to cause such an uproar. I just wanted to know about LA 002.
> > I know. If we can get some great, if not no biggy. I'm just tired of
> > threatend of being kicked out of this list. I love this List and all the
> > great guys and gals that make up this great list. I'll slow down the
> > and spamming. I just want to get along with my fellow meteorite friends
> > and can hardly wait to meet you in Tucson. It is hard to swallow when
> > called a racist! I do not have a racist bone in my body. I know I should
> > not let 1 person get to me, but I do not believe in my heart of hearts
> > that I should be kicked around like this. If it was not for Mr. Haag, I
> > would not even be in this club of meteorite greatness. I owe alot to
> > man. And when I get to Tucson, he'll be the first in a line of great
> > people I look forward to meeting. Thank you for letting me air myself
> > I hope you all have a great evening!!!!
> >
> > =====
> > Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120
> > I. M. C. A. MEMBER #6728
> > The Midwest Meteorite Collector!
> > Collecting Meteorites since,June, 1999!!!
> > Website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com
> >
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