Greetings all,

I don't want to speak for Steve Arnold, but I believe there has been
a misunderstanding. If the "racist" comment is his use of the word
"pizzano", it was misinterpreted. The word he was trying to convey
was (I don't know the spelling so will write it phoenitically) 
"pie-zon-o". Which from what he (Steve) thinks and from what I've
always thought, is a word meaning "my friend" or something to that
effect. Maybe I've always misunderstood the word and it is racist,
but I've heard it used quite a bit as a "term of endearment". When I
met Steve he was truly upset and didn't understand why Matteo was mad
at him. I honestly believe that no foul was intended.


--- Greg Redfern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rhett,
>    Me too. It is a rare commodity in this world. Keep up the great
> work. One
> GOOD thing is that the rules for governing both lists were made
> stronger by
> all of this.
> All the best,
> Greg Redfern
> IMCA #5781
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Walter
> Branch
> Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 8:40 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] THANKS
> Rhett,
> Thanks very much for the explanation.  I appreciate your honesty
> and candor.
> -Walter
> -----------------------------------------------
> Walter Branch, Ph.D.
> Branch Meteorites
> 322 Stephenson Ave., Suite B
> Savannah, GA  31405 USA
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Rhett Bourland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Walter Branch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Steve Arnold,
> Chicago!!!"
> Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 8:27 PM
> Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] THANKS
> > Actualy Walter, I think that Steve has confused this list with
> the mailing
> > list for the IMCA.  I am the one that has called him a racist
> because he
> > made racist comments towards Matteo Chinellato after Matteo
> expressed
> > discontent with getting Steve's multiple messages for the same
> material.
> If
> > making racist comments towards someone isn't reason enough to
> call someone
> a
> > racist I'm not sure what is.  He almost got kicked out of the
> IMCA because
> I
> > will not tolerate such comments among the INTERNATIONAL Meteorite
> Collectors
> > Association but since there was nothing against that on the
> website he
> > wasn't kicked out but if you'll check various pages there are now
> statements
> > saying that such actions are now grounds for removal and I can't
> believe I
> > had to actually make such statements and they are only there
> because Steve
> > proved me wrong.
> > His comments to Matteo put him on a sort of probation with the
> IMCA where
> he
> > would be watched a bit more closely than other members.  Last
> night,
> despite
> > the following statement on the IMCA's website
> >
> > "The purpose of the mailing list is to alert people of frauds and
> if a new
> > person to wishes to join the association that we don't personally
> know
> then
> > we will post to the list asking for any experiences that anyone
> has had.
> If
> > you would like to post about anything meteorite related
> (discoveries,
> > questions, good natured debate) that is welcomed as well. Please,
> > post any sales or flames to this list. There are plenty of other
> lists for
> > those puposes. Failure to adhere to that rule will result in you
> being
> > removed from it (but not out of the group). "
> >
> > Steve decided to post another one of his sales messages for the
> same old
> > material to that list and as a result got removed from the
> mailing list
> but
> > not the IMCA.
> > Also, despite what Mr. Arnold may think, I do not hate him.  I
> don't
> > particulary care for him because of his comments to Matteo as
> well as some
> > rather rude comments that have been made to other people off list
> that I
> > have been told about but I do not care for him because of those
> actions.
> > I apologize to anyone who may not care about this but I wanted to
> go on
> the
> > record as being the one who called Steve a racist because of his
> racist
> > comments made towards Matteo.  Perhaps Matteo would be willing to
> shed a
> > little light on this issue?
> > Sincerely,
> > Rhett Bourland
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Walter
> > Branch
> > Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 7:02 PM
> > To: Steve Arnold, Chicago!!!; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] THANKS
> >
> >
> > Steve,
> >
> > The only person who could kick you off the list is Art Jones, the
> list
> > administrator and I am certain that you have done nothing to
> warrant being
> > kicked off the list.  Who has threatened to kick you off the list
> and who
> > has called you a racist?
> >
> > -Walter
> >
> >
> > -----------------------------------------------
> > Walter Branch, Ph.D.
> > Branch Meteorites
> > 322 Stephenson Ave., Suite B
> > Savannah, GA  31405 USA
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Steve Arnold, Chicago!!!" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 7:42 PM
> > Subject: [meteorite-list] THANKS
> >
> >
> > > Hi list. I want to thank alot of you good folks for supporting
> me. I
> never
> > > intended to cause such an uproar. I just wanted to know about
> LA 002.
> Now
> > > I know. If we can get some great, if not no biggy. I'm just
> tired of
> being
> > > threatend of being kicked out of this list. I love this List
> and all the
> > > great guys and gals that make up this great list. I'll slow
> down the
> posts
> > > and spamming. I just want to get along with my fellow meteorite
> friends
> > > and can hardly wait to meet you in Tucson. It is hard to
> swallow when
> I'm
> > > called a racist! I do not have a racist bone in my body. I know
> I should
> > > not let 1 person get to me, but I do not believe in my heart of
> hearts
> > > that I should be kicked around like this. If it was not for Mr.
> Haag, I
> > > would not even be in this club of meteorite greatness. I owe
> alot to
> that
> > > man. And when I get to Tucson, he'll be the first in a line of
> great
> > > people I look forward to meeting. Thank you for letting me air
> myself
> out!
> > > I hope you all have a great evening!!!!
> > >
> > > =====
> > > Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120
> > > I. M. C. A. MEMBER #6728
> > > The Midwest Meteorite Collector!
=== message truncated ===

Steve Witt
IMCA #9020

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