In a message dated 19/02/03 20:22:37 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I was terribly disappointed he didn't show up for a cold.... er,
warm one at the Auction......

Hi Michael and all.
I was really disappointed that I couldn't make it to the Tucson show too. The flights were booked and so was the hotel, but 5 days before I was due to leave, I had an accident which broke some bones in my hand and smashed a knuckle joint. The surgeon fixed me up with some steel pins to hold everything together, but he wouldn't let me fly. So, that was the end of my Tucson show plans for 2003!
Regarding the Chicago thing Steve mentioned last night, my wife Irene and I have been invited to a dinner in Illinois to enjoy a night out and to meet a few Apollo astronauts, so we're Chicago bound on the 7th March. We've got a bit of meteorite trading arranged along the way as well, but after that, we thought it would be fun if we could get together with some of the Illinois meteorite collectors on the evening of the 9th March.
So, if you're in the area on the 9th March, let me me an email ;-)
Rosie, I'm an Englishman through and through, but I live in Scotland now because I had to work in America. Confused?? :-) Well, it's a long story, but page 19 of the current issue of Meteorite magazine covers it nicely, along with some amazing facts about haggis (I never touch the stuff).

Fernlea Meteorites,
The Wynd,
Off Dickson Lane,
Milton of Balgonie,
Fife. KY7 6PY
United Kingdom
Tel: +44-(0)1592-751563
Fax: +44-(0)1592-751991
Mobile: 07909-773929

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