Hello Steve, All

Dr. Mitchell lives about 10 miles from me. I for one will be contacting our
local reps on his behalf.

The Zag arrived just fine.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Schoner" <scho...@mybluelight.com>
To: <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2011 3:22 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] OT: Astronaut Ed Mitchell surrenders DAC Camera

I know that this is off topic, but not really considering all the valuable
that those brave Apollo Astronauts brought back for science.

And even today the rocks are being studied and the radionuclide's detected
tell us the age and also the resources that we might obtain should the
United States ever return and complete what we should have done decades
ago. And in a way it does relate to our quest of and classification of
lunar meteorites, without that data that they brought back, comparisons
and identifications of lunar meteorites would be harder than they are now.

The issue that bothers me is the fact that Dr. Ed Mitchell, sixth man to
set foot on the Moon was sued by the United States Goverment for having
and wanting to sell a DAC Camera that would otherwise have been destroyed
on the Moon.

All Apollo Lunar Astronauts were given the incentive to retain items from
the LM if they met weight requirements as per the Mission Commander's
approval at the time of the mission.

So for four decades he held on to this camera... Till he decided to
auction it in his now 80 years of life.

NASA and our Government then sued him for possession.  And under that
duress he
surrendered the camera.

This is a travesty, done to a great man, recipient of the Medal of
Freedom,  And
the lawsuit is a disgrace,,, Shame on NASA and our Government for treating
him so.

So with that in mind I posted a video on Youtube with a call for public
action to rectify this disgrace.

First see this one as background:


Then my video with a call for action:


Legal actions by our Government for seizure of such artifacts, due to
their loss of records affects all that have Apollo memorabilia.

And of the over 1000 members of this list there may be some that have such

I have two Apollo artifacts that have no record of transfer.  One was
given to me by a personal friend Eugene Shoemaker, and the other I won in
an Ebay auction.  Most true Apollo Mission artifacts that are being
bought,sold and auctioned are in the same category, no "records of

It is events like this lawsuit against Ed Mitchell that really upsets my
trust in our Government, which seems to be out of control... As if there
are things more important than improving our economy and doing some good
for all.


P.S. Hope I have not "taxed" anyone with my long OT post.

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