Rafael wrote:
>Thats kinda a hard view point, cuz it test us between 2 things.
>Destroying a meteorite for science or obtaining more items to our
>collections. Of course I dont want to harm any meteorites for
>science, even though they are only for collection. But one collector
>never knows when will the meteorites will be used for science...and
>more if its a unique find... is this a matter of ethics?...Is there
>another way for not destroying this record?
yes there is a way, both preserving the magnetic memory and highly
improving the magnetic discrimination: a simple magnetic
susceptibility probe, pocket sized, that gives you in a second a
quantitative estimate of the amount of metal or magnetite in a piece
of rock. It costs 1800 $. Seller is: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (I don't
have any interest in that company!). It can easily discriminate
between LL and L , L and H or even eucrite and howardite, for example. I
can provide
oflist as an attachment a leaflet for this device as well as a chart
of magnetic susceptibility versus meteorite class. I will probably be in next
Ensisheim show, in particular to demonstrate this instrument.


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