That is an excellent point that has always baffled me and I could never 
understand the thinking 
 of any religion in this world. All the different Gods worshiped world wide 
have always been considered a male.
Which brings up the problem, "Which came first, the chicken or the egg."
I think all these religions could be easier to swallow if their God was a 
That would answer the question, she "God" was a female carrying the first egg 
that resulted
 in the birth of the universe.

Richard Lipke

----- Original Message -----
> A major element in the problem with most of those calling
> Themselves Christians these days is that they
> See God as an anthropomorphic individual. This makes it
> Difficult to see the "glory" or creation in anything other
> Than comic book images.
> They actually envision God as a big (male) human who
> Literally, with His hands, shaped Adam out of mud.....
> They cannot even see what a nearly perfect allegory that is
> For evolution arising from a primeval "soup."
> Evidence of transpermia is growing - but don't confuse
> Them with facts.
> Odd
> Michael
> On 3/10/12 5:58 AM, "Dick Lipke" <richardli...@comcast.net> wrote:
> > Years ago I got a lot of questionable looks concerning my sanity
> > when I
> > brought up
> > the idea of meteorites being "the Johny Appleseed of of life on
> > Earth" to
> > members of my astronomy club.
> > Needless to say it resulted in many,many comments of out rage.
> > They reminded me of how it must have felt to be among the first
> > to refute the idea that Earth was the center of the Universe.
> > Lucky for me my kind of thinking came in 20th century, back then
> > they still
> > burnt
> > people at the stake for being possessed by satin.
> >
> >
> > Richard Lipke
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> >> Meteorites Reveal Another Way to Make Life's Components
> >> ScienceDaily, March 9, 2012,
> >> http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/03/120309104845.htm
> >>
> >> Meteorites Reveal Another Way to Make Life's Components
> >> Klaus Schmidt, March 10, 2012
> >> http://spacefellowship.com/news/art27926/meteorites-reveal-another-way-to-mak
> >> e-life-s-components.html
> >>
> >> The paper is:
> >>
> >> Burton, A. S., J. E. Elsila, M. P. Callahan, M. G. Martin, D. P.
> >> Glavin, N. M. Johnson, and J. P. Dworkin. A propensity
> >> for n-w-amino acids in thermally altered Antarctic
> >> meteorites. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. Article
> >> first published online: 8 March 2012
> >> http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1945-5100.2012.01341.x/abstract
> >>
> >> best wishes,
> >>
> >> Paul H.
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