Hopefully no more media attention is given to these areas. It would not 
surprise me in the least bit if laws concerning meteorite recovery here in the 
U.S. replicate those already in place for vertebrate fossils and artifacts.  
Washington and Oregon already have a LIP (Leave In Place) policy according to 
their BLM websites thanks to unwanted media attention. There have already been 
some arrests and warrants served in Arizona so be carefully when searching 
state or federal land because laws vary. It is not my place to disclose who was 
arrested so please do not ask.  Call me a dreamer but I still be believe people 
are innocent until proven guilty!

The 10 lbs limit is only a start of the limitations that will put on meteorite 
hunting.  Self-pairing will give them the excuse when writing new laws that 
meteorite hunters have mismanaged this resource and that all searching should 
be suspended.  Do not be surprised to read about the Department of Interior 
banging on somebodies door and serving a warrant to repatriate meteorites to 
the citizens of the United Sates.  If it is anything like the way the Feds 
handle artifacts, you will be guilty until proven innocent and even legally 
obtained items will be confiscated.  

Our children and grandchildren will only be able to read about the freedoms we 
once enjoyed and wonder why their kinship screwed up so badly,


----- Original Message -----
From: Adam Hupe <raremeteori...@yahoo.com>
To: Adam <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2013 7:56 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Franconia AREA (was, Re: ...terminology...)

Since it is an area of mass concentration, it would not surprise me if the Met 
Soc started numbering the stones like they do in other case.  Something like 
Mohave County, MC 001, MC 002....  This multiple strewn-field is less than an 
hours drive from where I live but I tend to leave it alone.  I wouldn't want to 
eat up my 10 lbs annual limit in a few weeks.

Not only that, do not get caught selling any without a BLM commercial permit!


From: Robert Verish <bolidecha...@yahoo.com>
To: Meteorite List <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>; Jim Wooddell 
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 11:02 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Franconia AREA (was, Re: ...terminology...)

Hi All,
Just read another article in the 2013 March edition of M&PS,
"Stones from Mohave County, Arizona: 
Multiple falls in the 'Franconia strewn field' " 
by Melinda Hutson, et al. 

There is much to digest from this 5-author paper that is 25 pages long. 
What with 14 stones being studied and 7 pairings to be described, there is a 
lot to chew on.  

Here's something to chew on.  According to this paper, "Much unclassified 
material that has been distributed [sold] as 'Franconia' may not be from the 
Franconia fall".  The authors make a case that more than half of the finds made 
in the "Franconia area" are paired to the Buck Mountain Wash fall. 

It has taken 10 years, but these findings show that I was justified in my 
belly-aching about all of the self-pairing that was occurring back then.   It 
was on this very List that I was strongly criticized for this, and many dealers 
that thought they knew better defended their God-given right to name their 
stones after the Franconia meteorite that I got classified.  A closer look at 
the MetBull images for Franconia shows that very few of them are from the 
Franconia fall. I offer no apologies for taking great satisfaction in the fact 
that I am now vindicated.

The paper goes on to show that every Sacramento Wash numbered meteorite is 
paired to Buck Mountain Wash, which effectively has resulted in the demise of 
the SaW DCA and hastened the formation of the Yucca DCA. 

As I said, if you read this paper, there's a lot more to digest.
It's late and I'm thinking about chewing on an antacid pill.

-- Bob V.

--- On Thu, 4/25/13, Jim Wooddell <jimwoodd...@gmail.com> wrote:

> From: Jim Wooddell <jimwoodd...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Chelyabinsk - IMB or SMB? The nomenclature of 
> Melts.
> To: "Meteorite List" <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
> Date: Thursday, April 25, 2013, 5:29 PM
>  Hi All!
> Just a point of information.  I just read Dr. Rubin's paper, 
> "Multiple melting in a four-layered barred-olivine chondrule with
> compositionally heterogeneous glass from LL3.0 Semarkona"
> Whew!  That's a title for a paper!
> While we are on the subject of melts, I thought I'd point-out 
> this paper.  
> Enjoyed reading it the first time....actually understood some
> of it and will read it once again after thinking about it
> for a while.
>  You folks might enjoy reading it when you get a chance!
> Thanks Alan!!
> Jim Wooddell


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