Discussing whether Facebook is a viable forum versus the MetList is not really 
the issue. Anyone who has spent time recently on the established meteorite 
pages on Facebook knows that they are not just viable but thriving. The 
Met-List is also important as a complementary source of information, discussion 
and, yes sales and exchanges. Anything that impedes any of these activities 
will lead to poor participation and flight to explore other more friendly 

So, what makes for a viable forum? The answer is good administration. The most 
successful pages on FB have clearly stated rules that are enforced. Being an 
admin on two pages, "Meteorites" and "Is it a meteorite?", and the creator of 
the rules I can tell you that both of these have grown dramatically over just 
one year. I've had to deal with all kinds of nasty issues because people are 
people, but we have learned from these issues and kept things fun for our 
members. Too much regulations drives people away and too little does too (for 
different reasons). 

Our community is very small and we can't afford to alienate people regardless 
of whether they are old curmudgeons or young neophytes especially when the 
learning curve is so steep. 

Having said this, being an admin is not a small investment in time, so if Art 
needs to be compensated, I have no issue with a yearly fee or some other 
payment model. However, please do not penalize dealers with having to pay for 
ads. As stated previously, defining what is an ad will be hard enough, but 
these ads are really an important way for collectors to get material. I sit on 
both sides as a dealer and collector. Stating the obvious, you can't have 
dealers without collectors and vice-versa (unless all collectors start to hunt 
in the field). 

Mendy Ouzillou
IMCA 8395

----- Original Message -----
> From: Mark Ford <mark.f...@southernscientific.co.uk>
> To: "Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com" 
> <Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
> Cc: 
> Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2014 4:00 AM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook.... a viable forum?
> Problem is fragmentation. There are already many meteorite groups on 
> facebook, 
> twitter, et al. If everybody keeps creating new ones eventually they [will] 
> all 
> be more or less empty like so many other forums.
> The beauty of the Met-list is it's simplicity, and the fact that its 
> actually quite busy (compared to 99.9% of other forums inc some on FB), Not 
> sure 
> I agree with the concept of paying for Ads, that's just bound to drive away 
> people, but I can understand funds need to be raised.
> Fact is in the meteorite collecting world and 'ads' go hand in hand, for 
> most people dealers are the only source of rocks, I for one got much of my 
> collections over the years due to ads on the met list. 
> I for one am staying put, even if I end up talking to myself ! :)
> Mark
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