Couldn't have said it better myself Mendy!

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 8:00 AM, Mendy Ouzillou <> wrote:
> Discussing whether Facebook is a viable forum versus the MetList is not 
> really the issue. Anyone who has spent time recently on the established 
> meteorite pages on Facebook knows that they are not just viable but thriving. 
> The Met-List is also important as a complementary source of information, 
> discussion and, yes sales and exchanges. Anything that impedes any of these 
> activities will lead to poor participation and flight to explore other more 
> friendly venues.
> So, what makes for a viable forum? The answer is good administration. The 
> most successful pages on FB have clearly stated rules that are enforced. 
> Being an admin on two pages, "Meteorites" and "Is it a meteorite?", and the 
> creator of the rules I can tell you that both of these have grown 
> dramatically over just one year. I've had to deal with all kinds of nasty 
> issues because people are people, but we have learned from these issues and 
> kept things fun for our members. Too much regulations drives people away and 
> too little does too (for different reasons).
> Our community is very small and we can't afford to alienate people regardless 
> of whether they are old curmudgeons or young neophytes especially when the 
> learning curve is so steep.
> Having said this, being an admin is not a small investment in time, so if Art 
> needs to be compensated, I have no issue with a yearly fee or some other 
> payment model. However, please do not penalize dealers with having to pay for 
> ads. As stated previously, defining what is an ad will be hard enough, but 
> these ads are really an important way for collectors to get material. I sit 
> on both sides as a dealer and collector. Stating the obvious, you can't have 
> dealers without collectors and vice-versa (unless all collectors start to 
> hunt in the field).
> Regards,
> Mendy Ouzillou
> IMCA 8395
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Mark Ford <>
>> To: "" 
>> <>
>> Cc:
>> Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2014 4:00 AM
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook.... a viable forum?
>> Problem is fragmentation. There are already many meteorite groups on 
>> facebook,
>> twitter, et al. If everybody keeps creating new ones eventually they [will] 
>> all
>> be more or less empty like so many other forums.
>> The beauty of the Met-list is it's simplicity, and the fact that its
>> actually quite busy (compared to 99.9% of other forums inc some on FB), Not 
>> sure
>> I agree with the concept of paying for Ads, that's just bound to drive away
>> people, but I can understand funds need to be raised.
>> Fact is in the meteorite collecting world and 'ads' go hand in hand, for
>> most people dealers are the only source of rocks, I for one got much of my
>> collections over the years due to ads on the met list.
>> I for one am staying put, even if I end up talking to myself ! :)
>> Mark
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Rock On!

Ruben Garcia

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