One other comment on the matter. "Debunk" is almost always pejorative, implying that the thing being debunked was fraudulent, or complete rubbish. We debunk astrology. We debunk pseudoscientific claims. But there's nothing to suggest that the original claim was anything other than honest and reasonable- a video that accidentally captured something that might reasonably be interpreted as a falling meteorite.

Even if some piece of evidence actually disproved that hypothesis, we should simply say that it was "disproved", not "debunked".


Chris L Peterson
Cloudbait Observatory

On 4/10/2014 3:03 AM, Marco Langbroek wrote:

Phil Metzger, who has in the past extensively modelled falling debris at
Shuttle launches, has used his models to analyze the video. He concludes
that while a (large) meteorite at distance cannot be fully excluded, the
footage is also consistent with a small rock (pebble size: ~3.3 cm)
falling out of the parachute:

I agree with Chris: while a meteorite is still a distinct possibility
and has therefore not been 100% debunked, the falling pebble from
parachute explanation now seems the most likely one.

- Marco


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