I LOVE Truth !!
Remember 'Back in 2008 when .........


From: Jeff Krosschell <jeffkrosschell_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2008 13:55:37 -0700
Message-ID: <636E4C7493B04C788CF25A21D8443B06_at_JeffVistaPC>

Hello List Members,

We would like to first introduce ourselves to you. My husband, Jeff, and I
became involved with meteorites last year when we partnered with Adam Hup?
in bringing home a beautiful and breathtaking meteorite, Northwest Africa
5000. We absolutely fell in love with meteorites and are excited about our
new venture.

Just this week we reopened our eBay store, Kalani_oftheheavens, making
available all of the remaining Northwest Africa 5000 slices, most have not
been on display until now. You may have seen some of these slices this year
at Anne Black?s room in Tucson, where we first announced NWA 5000. We
invite you to browse through our store and see all that is left, especially
if you were unable to visit Tucson last year. We currently have several
auctions up on eBay listed at 99 cents that Adam Hup? announced for us
earlier last week. Unfortunately, and for reasons unknown to us, the
auction listings did not show up in a timely fashion. Please be patient
with us as we work out the eBay kinks. We will be running weekly Sunday
auctions, so please stop by frequently to see what we have, there may be
some surprises!

Jeff and I are ?over the moon? about NWA 5000 and we feel quite fortunate to
be part of the meteorite community. Our mission is to uphold the same
standards you have come to expect while working with IMCA members. We look
forward to getting to know you all in the coming months.

Here is a link to our eBay store, kalani_oftheheavens:


Best Wishes,

Malia Kalani Krosschell and Jeff Krosschell

IMCA #0146
Received on Fri 26 Sep 2008 04:55:37 PM PDT

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Mirror - Talking from it...

Self Promotion is Your Middle name. Your 'Original and Consistent Partners'
are still the same, you can not delude facts that you defrauded your own
family - Jeff Krosschell and your daughter-in-law! Period!

Only one chance to make amends with your family - Pay Up or ProDuce!!

YOU, my friend, are called out and, unless you have more than Dirk Ross at
your side jabbing me... than you have ZERO, repeat - ZERO!!!

Only a matter of days before your 'Reality' sinks in... Sell all you want,
we will get it all back......

Best Regards,

Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection
www.NaturesVault.net (Online Catalog & Reference Site)
www.LunarRock.com (Online Planetary Meteorite Site)
NaturesVault (Facebook, Pinterest & eBay)
IMCA 3163
Click here for my current eBay auctions:

-----Original Message----- From: Raremeteorites via Meteorite-list
Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2016 5:36 PM
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] NWA 5000

Dear John and List Members,

I am not about to take a direct bite of this nasty cheese being spread

It seems that any item of virtue like the Bahia Emerald and Sue the TRex are
fraught with problems.   Most of these issues stem from greed and shameless
self-promotion which result in the truth becoming distorted.  It is
unfortunate that there are those who want to change the true history of NWA
5000 and make it about themselves.

For me, it has always been about the stone.  I went to great lengths to keep
the NWA 5000 history accurate.

Here is a link to the official NWA 5000 website.  Note: There is only one
image of myself buried at the back end of the website.  This site was
authored by me and proof read by professionals so the infomarmation,
although dated, is accurate for the time period in which it was written.


For the record,  I have no partners in any of my current business dealings.
I find it preferable to work by myself and not depend on others other than



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