Dude (Dirk or his alter ego Adam),

I didn't even read past your Blastful first sentence - Get a Life!

'Dirk Ross'... as if any of us fell for that years ago...

Best Regards,

Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection
www.NaturesVault.net (Online Catalog & Reference Site)
www.LunarRock.com (Online Planetary Meteorite Site)
NaturesVault (Facebook, Pinterest & eBay)
IMCA 3163
Click here for my current eBay auctions:

-----Original Message----- From: drtanuki
Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2016 10:16 PM
To: Greg Hupe ; Art Jones ; Meteorite Mailing List
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NWA 5000, Art please quell Mr. Greg Hupes use of very vulgar language.

Greg Hupe-  NWA 5000 FACTS - not YOUR facts; read below
there is NO mention of you or anyone else except Adam Hupe and the scientists that did the classification!

I do not appreciate your vulgar language you posted towards me; I expect a public apology from GREG HUPE and I would urge ART JONES to ban you, Greg Hupe, from our list based upon your pathetic behavior which has done much harm to our meteorite collecting community and this METLIST. Cursing is NOT PERMITTED by the rules of this list. VULGAR Greg; this is a public list read by many of the worlds top scientists and research and many respected collectors is this respectful to them.

As you accuse me of self-promoting my website that is laced with ads.

Greg Hupe, DO NOT GO TO MY SITE; you are a lazy information thief, too lazy and perhaps selfish to share anything of ANY VALUE but SELF Promotion/your sales promotions and self promotion- for the good of our community. You are NOT welcome any longer- stay out. I hate USERS and you fully fit the definition. To use curse works or make false accusations against a paying customer is an insane business practice. Greg do us a bigger favor and leave the meteorite community, we dont need you ilk.

Guess how many persons have ever said thank you for the information I provide for free? - less than 10 people in 9 years of operation. Guess how many have offered to donate or help in some way? 3 List members, John Higgins, Marc Fries, Rob Matson. I have never received such as a DIME from a donation for 9 plus years of 7/20-24/365 news reporting and monitoring.

FYI, Greg I have spent likely more than $2000-3000 with you and with Adam maybe at most $30 so why would I take Adams side at all in this Luna Circus? Greg Hupe has publicly soiled his reputation through his actions- read the 50 plus emails in the archives with the treatment he has shown to anyone that dare point out facts. Greg has become like a mad dog barking at the Moon. YOU have become sick from at least two very common diseases caused by meteorites, GREED and EGO... !

FACTS from THE MET BULL.-History: Found in July 2007 in southern Morocco and provided to Adam Hupé in October 2007.

My point Greg wast merely that HE3 is nothing new and proposals of mining it from the moon were published in 1972 by Dr. Schmitt. NWA 5000 plays NO ROLE whatsoever with HE3 mining or its conception period.

The FACTS in full including what I wrote earlier-
Northwest Africa 5000
Basic information Name: Northwest Africa 5000
This is an OFFICIAL meteorite name.
Abbreviation: NWA 5000
Observed fall: No
Year found: 2007
Country: Morocco
Mass:help 11.53 kg
Meteoritical Bulletin:  MB 93  (2008)  Lunar
Recommended:  Lunar    [explanation]

This is 1 of 62 approved meteorites classified as Lunar.   [show all]
Search for other: Lunar meteorites
Comments: Approved 30 Jan 2008
Revised 4 Aug 2008: final writeup
Writeup from MB 93:
Northwest Africa 5000
Find: July 2007
Achondrite (lunar, feldspathic breccia)
History: Found in July 2007 in southern Morocco and provided to Adam Hupé in October 2007. Physical characteristics: A single, large cuboidal stone (11.528 kg) with approximate dimensions 27 cm × 24 cm × 20 cm. One side (which appears to have been embedded downward in light brown mud) has preserved regmaglypts and is partially covered by translucent, pale greenish fusion crust with fine contraction cracks. Abundant large beige to white, coarse-grained clasts up to 8 cm across (some of which have been eroded out on exterior surfaces of the stone, likely by eolian sand blasting) and sparse black, vitreous clasts up to 2 cm across (containing irregular small white inclusions) are set in a dark gray to black, partially glassy breccia matrix. One partially eroded clast exposed on an exterior surface contains both the coarse grained beige lithology and the more resistant black, vitreous lithology in sharp contact. Petrography: (A. Irving and S. Kuehner, UWS) Almost monomict fragmental breccia dominated by Mg-suite olivine gabbro clasts consisting predominantly of coarse-grained (0.5-2 mm) calcic plagioclase, pigeonite (some with fine exsolution lamellae), and olivine with accessory merrillite, Mg-bearing ilmenite, Ti-bearing chromite, baddeleyite, rare zirconolite, silica polymorph, K-feldspar, kamacite, and troilite. Some gabbro clasts have shock injection veins composed mostly of glass containing myriad fine troilite blebs and engulfed mineral fragments. Black, vitreous impact melt clasts consist of sporadic, small angular fragments (apparently surviving relics) of gabbro and related mineral phases in a very fine grained, non-vesicular, ophitic-textured matrix of pigeonite laths (up to 20 microns long × 2 microns wide) and interstitial plagioclase with tiny spherical grains of kamacite, irregular grains of schreibersite and rare troilite. Geochemistry: Gabbro clasts: plagioclase (An96.1-98.0Or<0.1), pigeonite (Fs32.0-64.5Wo6.7-13.1; FeO/MnO = 51.1-62.0), olivine in different clasts range from Fa23.9-24.2, Fa40.4 to Fa58.8 (with FeO/MnO = 81-100), chromite [(Cr/(Cr + Al) = 0.737, Mg/(Mg + Fe) = 0.231, TiO2 = 5.9 wt%], ilmenite (4.1 wt% MgO). Bulk composition: (R. Korotev, WUSL) INAA of 6 subsamples gave mean values of 5.3 wt% FeO and 0.4 ppm Th. Classification: Achondrite (lunar, feldspathic breccia). Specimens: A total of 40.2 g of sample, two polished mounts and one large polished thin section are on deposit at UWS. AHupé hold the main mass.
Submitted by: A. Irving, UWS.
Data from:
Table 2
Line 173:
Place of purchase: Find in Morocco
Date: October 2007
Mass (g): 11.528 kg
Pieces: 1
Class: Lunar
Type spec mass (g): 40.2

Dirk Ross...Tokyo The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com/

----- Original Message -----
From: Greg Hupe via Meteorite-list <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
To: Raremeteorites <raremeteori...@centurylink.net>; meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Cc: jeffkrossch...@comcast.net
Sent: Friday, August 5, 2016 7:12 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NWA 5000

Mirror - Talking from it...

Self Promotion is Your Middle name. Your 'Original and Consistent Partners'
are still the same, you can not delude facts that you defrauded your own
family - Jeff Krosschell and your daughter-in-law! Period!

Only one chance to make amends with your family - Pay Up or ProDuce!!

YOU, my friend, are called out and, unless you have more than Dirk Ross at
your side jabbing me... than you have ZERO, repeat - ZERO!!!

Only a matter of days before your 'Reality' sinks in... Sell all you want,
we will get it all back......

Best Regards,

Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection
www.NaturesVault.net (Online Catalog & Reference Site)
www.LunarRock.com (Online Planetary Meteorite Site)
NaturesVault (Facebook, Pinterest & eBay)
IMCA 3163
Click here for my current eBay auctions:

-----Original Message----- From: Raremeteorites via Meteorite-list
Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2016 5:36 PM
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] NWA 5000

Dear John and List Members,

I am not about to take a direct bite of this nasty cheese being spread

It seems that any item of virtue like the Bahia Emerald and Sue the TRex are
fraught with problems.   Most of these issues stem from greed and shameless
self-promotion which result in the truth becoming distorted.  It is
unfortunate that there are those who want to change the true history of NWA
5000 and make it about themselves.

For me, it has always been about the stone.  I went to great lengths to keep
the NWA 5000 history accurate.

Here is a link to the official NWA 5000 website.  Note: There is only one
image of myself buried at the back end of the website.  This site was
authored by me and proof read by professionals so the infomarmation,
although dated, is accurate for the time period in which it was written.


For the record,  I have no partners in any of my current business dealings.
I find it preferable to work by myself and not depend on others other than



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