--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Steve Schoner:
> > I hated e-bay when it first started, I hated it
> when
> > meteorites started to appear there-- and I hate it
> > now, with or without the new format.
> > 
> > I will not sell meteorites there, even if it means
> it
> > is the last place on earth to sell them.
> > 
> Certainly everyone's prerogative....although it
> seems a bit harsh, to be 
> aimed at a free-and-open international marketplace
> of meteorites.  And ebay (like 
> it or not) may well be responsible for bringing more
> meteorite-consciousness 
> to the public, and thus producing more collectors
> and enthusiasts, than any 
> other single influence since Dr. Nininger.
>        Gregory

I have so many reasons to disparage E-bay when it
comes to meteorites that I think it would be redundant
for me to go into it again.  As I remember, years ago,
this was a hot topic on this list.  As I remember, I
preseneted my objections to it then, and don't need to

A search of the archives will reveal my thoughts.  

My thougths have not changed.

And I wonder what Dr. Nininger would have thought.  It
is easy, years after he is gone, to put down what we
would think he would say about E-bay now now.

I have a extreme hatred for E-bay, and its auctions,
and the mentality of it.

Thus I won't sell meteorites there.

Just my personal opinion.

Steve Schoner/ams

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