Mr. X wrote, maybe it was hot ashalt that boy burnt his hand on......
Dear List and Mr.X,
Another thought, wouldn't the samples we've seen have been coated in
that same melted asphalt, hot enough to melt divets in surface,
supposedly landed on, if their story is accurate?
Just another thought. I was under naive understanding that meteorites
did not burn hot to the touch, upon falling and could be picked right
up, as in stories I read during the PF strewnfield incident and others?
Do they rapidly cool after initial impact ? Also, why, in the case of
the "Columbia" retrieval, were people warned not to touch fragments, as
they were hazardous? Could someone enlighten me? I'm asking questions,
because I dont know. Hope this last question doesn't turn out to be
Governmentally Political ! Cripes!Thanks, and Rgards, Marcie

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