Sorry for bothering you but wat is the meaning of geometeorite ? A meteorite
is an object. I live in a
geologicaly active region and before any earthquake we can see some kind of
globular lightings a
globular stable plasma of some kind, yet unexplained by science. It usually
explodes with aparent
no reason, either when flyind or when touching things. I am sure both Elma
and the iranian fireball are
some formations of this kind. Sometimes those things are reported as UFOs
because fly is chaotic ways.


> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rosemary
> > Hackney
> > Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 2:12 PM
> > To: Ron Baalke; Meteorite Mailing List
> > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Iranian Fireball Was Of Geophysical Origin
> >
> > Is this similar to the Elma incident?  Elma intrigues me. It looks like
> > sand
> > or particulate material  having been fused. Perhaps was sucked up by a
> > dust
> > devil or other storm wind and electrical discharge in  the atmosphere
> > fused
> > it like glass? Anyway.. is this Iranian material  considered a
> > geometeorite
> > also?
> >
> > Rosie

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